How do I upload a document?

By following the next steps, we will explain how you can upload and sell your documents. 
Interested in a video tutorial instead of a step-by-step plan? Check Stuvia Seller Tutorial: Selling on Stuvia.

  1. First, you will have to create an account on (don't forget to adapt .com to your own country code).
  2. When you have completed your profile by filling in your university and study program, you will be able to start uploading documents.
  3. By clicking on the green “SELL” button, you can upload a document. First choose which document you would like to upload to Stuvia and fill in for which subject this is. Then save and go to the next steps. 
  4. Fill in all the information and do not forget to press all the “Save” buttons otherwise it will not work. Try to be as precise as possible in your description, because that will make it easier for others to find it.
  5. When you have completed all the steps, you will be able to share the document on Facebook or Twitter if you want by clicking on “Promote”. This is not necessary, but it could increase your sales if you share it in a Facebook group of your university, for instance. 
  6. Now it is time to wait, when you have earned more than €/£/$ 10 or R200, you can withdraw your money.