When you are not able to upload your documents, make sure that you have checked all boxes. Make sure you:
Write a description
Added tag(s)
Make sure that you click on the ‘save’ button, next click on ‘upload now’. Now your document is uploaded.
If you are still unable to upload your documents, follow these steps:
Log out of your Stuvia account
Use another web browser (we recommend using Google Chrome)
Go to Stuvia.com
Log in to your Stuvia account
Click on “sell”
Upload your documents
Also make sure to check your document. If the document exceeds 60 MB, it is too large, which means that you won't be able to upload it. In that case, you can try to compress the file or to upload in separate parts. Furthermore, it sometimes helps to change the document to PDF file, if you didn't try this already.
If that does not work, contact our support team via support@stuvia.com or send a direct message via the live chat on the bottom right of your screen.