What should I do if I keep getting errors when uploading documents to Stuvia?

If you're having trouble uploading your documents, make sure to complete all required fields:

  1. Check Requirements:

    • Write a description for your document.

    • Add relevant tags.

    After filling these in, click the "Save" button, then select "Upload Now" to upload your document.

  2. Troubleshooting Steps:
    If you still can’t upload, try the following:

    • Log out of your Stuvia account.

    • Use a different web browser (Google Chrome is recommended).

    • Go to Stuvia.com and log back into your account.

    • Click on "Sell" and try uploading your document again.

  3. File Size and Format:
    Ensure your document is under 60 MB, as larger files can’t be uploaded. If needed, compress the file or split it into smaller parts. If the document isn’t in PDF format, converting it to PDF may also help.

  4. Contact Support:
    If the issue persists, contact our support team via support@stuvia.com or send a direct message via the live chat at the bottom right of your screen.